Play4free funds generator

Recently all Play4free games have got new currency – Play4free funds and now with this “points” you can buy some features in Play4free Stores. So… we created new tool for players who want to get Play4free funds for free. It’s as simple as our previous tool – Batttlefunds generator and generating is very easy.
Play4free funds generatoryou can use in:

  • Battlefield Heroes
  • Battlefield Play4free
  • Lord of Ultima
You can buy for example sets, boxes, new weapons and all other items on the Stores.
It requires only your username and amount of funds to add. After 10-15 seconds you will get free Play4free Funds and you will can use it instantly in Stores.
See Play4free Funds Generator instruction:
1. Download the generator and run it
2. Enter the values (username and amount of funds to add)
3. Click the button
4. Wait 10-15 seconds
5. Funds will be on your account

============= How to download =============
1. Click one Download button:
2. Complete a short survey
(Click here if you don’t know how to complete it )
3. Save the file to your desktop and open it

Drakensang hack

drakensang online jelszó hack

Now you can download from here drakensang online jelszó hack for free, Complete a Quick Survey to Download!

The hack is the best from online haking!

Generate Adermant -Unlimited
Generate Gold- Unlimited
Generate Silver-Unlimited
Generate Copper-Unlimited
1. Download Hack tool
2. Login at the game
3. launch hack
4. choose a value of goods
5. Enter username
6. on the end click start
============= How to download =============
1. Click one Download button:
2. Complete a short survey
(Click here if you don’t know how to complete it )
3. Save the file to your desktop and open it

Check this hack up!

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